Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Yeah, the past month or so has been eventful. One day, we were leaving to go up to Michigan, for my brother-in-laws wedding, then we were back in New Mexico, trick-or-treating, and now we've moved back to Michigan. In less than a month.

Things are (as expected) crazy. It was crazy getting settled into my in-laws, but things are finally starting to calm down a bit. Once we got here, we had to register Cody for school, and we still have to do insurance, and probably a million more things. We're trying to take it one day at a time right now. We are saying with Nate's parents, until we have paid them back for the move, paid some bills down a bit, and we can go right into buying a house. We are DONE with apartments. I'm ready to OWN our home.

Cody started school yesterday, at his new school. He has a male teacher, which I think will be good for him. He had a great day yesterday, Mr. Rivard said. The bus doesn't start coming until tomorrow, so my mom came and took us up there yesterday and today, and I got us lost the first time. At least I was able to backtrack, and we left with enough extra time.

Cody on his first day of school! (yesterday)

Speaking of my mom, she hadn't called me since last Christmas, and I was so upset with her. She is an alcoholic, and it just really bothered me that she shut herself away, especially from her grandkids, because we had to move away. I said I didn't want anything to do with her, but I had decided to give her another chance to get involved. Things are going well so far, and I mentioned getting coffee or breakfast on Saturday or Sunday when she is off work, just her & I, with no kids, so we can actually talk and catch up. She seemed to like that idea, so I hope it all works out. She picked both boys up last Saturday for my cousin's daughters' 1st birthday party, and the boys came home so happy, so I hope that she doesn't let them down. Cody and Noah both just love her, and I know she loves them, but due to her drinking, I NEED to make sure they are always safe. 

Cody got glasses over the summer, and he would never wear them. When we got here, he likes wearing them because grandpa wears glasses. He decided to wear them to school today, and as soon as we got to his class, about 4 or 5 kids walked up to him and complimented his glasses. Just looking at this picture makes me teary eyed. He looks so grown up here, and I am in so much love with how he is so social, and everyone just loves him. One little boy even told me that he really likes Cody's glasses. I was so afraid he would get made fun of, and it was such a sigh of relief!

This post is sort of all over, and I haven't updated in awhile, so I'm going to leave it with Halloween pictures!! 

 Quite possibly the coolest, creepiest picture ever. Lol