Friday, May 24, 2013

Delicious-ness & small update

So, I have been dying, and I really mean dying to bake.. something.. anything actually. I'm not even too sure why, because I'm definitely not PMSing. But, I've felt like making entire bathes of cookies, cupcakes, and cakes and just sitting with a spoon and devouring every bit. The problem was? I was feeling too lazy, and my kitchen ends up trashed every time I make anything. I blame this all on Pinterest. A friend of mine, Bethany tweeted about pinning too many desserts on Pinterest a few days ago, and I've been hung up on the "Food & drink" section ever since. I finally put myself over the edge today, and pulled out some ingredients.

I was definitely preparing, because over 3 days, I managed to buy 3 packages of cream cheese, 4 bags of chocolate chips, a box of unsalted butter, a 4 lb bag of confectioner's sugar, & some random cake mixes. (P.S- I never make boxed cakes usually, most of you who know me, know this, BUT, I came across a few recipes that call for a plain ol' boxed cake as a base)

I was scrolling through my huge boards of  "desserts" & "baking etc." to find what I wanted to make. I realized I was missing an ingredient or 2, so kept scrolling. I wanted to make red velvet cookies with cream cheese frosting, but the recipe called for a box of red velvet cake, which I didn't have, and didn't realllllyyyyy feel like making, only to make cookies out of it. Anyway, I came across a chocolate chip cookie recipe, and it had swirls of cheesecake filling in it. Well, that recipe called for crescent rolls, which was, i dunno, weird to me? So, I had a genius idea! Make cheesecake filling, and make my own chocolate chip cookie dough, and top it with the filling. I did it.. and boy.. am I glad I did it! They are/ were SOOO good. I didn't take step-by-step pictures, only because my kids were on their way home from grandma's, and there were reports that Cody didn't feel good, so I wanted to hurry.

I basically made the toll house chocolate chip cookie recipe, which can be found here if you don't have a bag of toll house chocolate chips with the recipe on the back! (I did NOT add the nuts!) Then I made the cheesecake, which I made like so:

1- 8oz pkg. of cream cheese
1/4 cup of white granulated sugar
2 Tsp. vanilla extract

I beat the cream cheese and sugar first, and then beat in the vanilla.

I dropped the cookie dough by the spoonful and then plopped some of the cheesecake filling on top. It cooks over the cookie, so you don't really have to worry about it getting all gross and melting of or anything. I baked them at 375 for ~11 minutes.

Then, you get this ooey gooey, delicious goodness. Greatness, rather.

Yes, you honestly needed to see that many pictures of them ;D

Okay, I'll make this post about something other than just cookies.

Monday is our 2nd wedding anniversary, and my dear husband has a nice little night away planned for us. We are going to Toledo, and we got a nice hotel room and we're planning on going to the beach, and checking out the Toledo Zoo. I can't forget my camera, CAN'T FORGET MY CAMERA. We always, and I mean always forget the nice camera whenever we go anywhere. I'm surprised we remembered it for my last post.

I'll try to get in another blog post this weekend, probably after I get home from Toledo, so I hope that everyone has a FUN, safe memorial day weekend!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Dinner picnic & walk!

            Yesterday was a big day for me. You never realize how much living on almost a half an acre actually takes to keep up. On top of that, this yard hasn't been kept up in who knows how long. Therefore, the yard is overrun with weeds.. weeds.. and even more weeds. The dandelions have been driving my husband crazy, so he ended up dropping the blades on the mower and chopping and short as he could. Now? our grass is dying. So, in an effort to revive it, or some of it, I had to water the grass yesterday... with a hand sprayer. You know, the thought didn't sound *that* bad.. until I started doing it, haha. I finally got done, and ended up spraying the kids swingset down, before Noah started flirting with the little girls that live behind us. I met them and their grandma, which are a very nice family. Nate had met the man that lives there shortly after moving in. Their little ones are always running around outside yelling, so I don't feel as bad when mine are out there being loud and obnoxious ;P

            We ate lunch outside yesterday, and around 2:30, I decided it was time for Noah to come in and take a nap, since I knew we had a somewhat eventful night ahead of us. I changed Noah and laid him down and ran upstairs to get some shorts on. Got my butt outside so I could start planting my 100's of flowers I had to plant yet, lol. (I actually have like 70 bulbs, and a 75 tray of seeds I started, and other flowers I got at the nursery)

            Cody spends Thursday nights over at grandma's, because she has Fridays off, so she takes him to school and it's easier if he is just there in the morning. Nate had told me to make some sandwiches and be ready when he got home, so once I got Noah up, I got snacks, drinks, and sandwiches together and we headed out to Holland Ponds. I started taking pictures and it started to bum me out that Cody wasn't there, but he had been asked a few times and between "yes I wanna go" and "no I don't wanna go", he ended up saying he didn't want to go. He got to play in the sprinkler and help clean grandma's house, so I know he did end up having fun, even if it wasn't with us! We didn't see a whole lot. A few neat birds, some pretty flowers,  and a few fish, haha. I *heard* a bullfrog, and caught the butt end of a small snake, but it slithered away too fast for me to really realize it. I also caught a glimpse of a Heron. (I am so unobservant most of the time, and I was trying to snap pictures of Noah)

         Anddddd  here are some pictures :)

Yes, I know, this is the best picture EVER. Noah looks SO happy.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Happy birthday, Noah!

This is only.. a month late, but it's better late than never, and I SERIOUSLY hope to blog a LOT more now that things are going {pretty} well in our new house now! This is just going to be a birthday photo dump for tonight, since I just did a makeover on my blog! I hope you all enjoy it!