Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Many Uses of Ivory (Soap review)

Keep it pure. Yes. 

Now, I am not an "organic mama" by really any means. I watch what my kids eat, fight off some germs, and don't force my kids to eat insanely healthy. Hey, it's expensive to eat organic everything, and buy healthy stuff all the time. (How pathetic is that, America?). However, I enjoy natural, pure things. Ivory bar soap is 99.44% pure. Awesome. The greatest part? Unlike most pure and natural things these days, it is INEXPENSIVE! Even better, right?? It is 4.49 for a 10 pack of soap. I pay 14.00 for Dove, and it is not "pure and natural".

So far, I have only used it as a facial cleanser, and body soap, and it leaves me feeling clean like it should, and I finish my shower knowing that I haven't exposed my skin to artificial dyes or scents that may irritate mine, or my kids sensitive skin.

You can find this at most major retailers, drug stores, or maybe even a dollar store! Give it a try!!

(I received this product complimentary of Influenster.)

Quaker Soft Baked Oatmeal Cookies

Ahh, the deliciousness of a soft baked cookie!

Seriously, I love soft baked cookies, and I absolutely love oatmeal raisin cookies. I'm not quite sure why, because I really don't like raisins. Really, I don't. However, oatmeal raisin cookies? Yes, please! I got one, you got it, ONE bite of this cookie before my son, Cody took it over. He was in love. Neither of my kids really totally enjoy much sweet stuff, either. I really really recommend these, especially since you don't even have to bake them, and they taste so fresh.

You could even pop them in the microwave for a few seconds, and trick yourself into thinking you baked them yourself ;) So convenient, too!

(I received this product complimentary from influenster)

A few more details about these cookies!!

-Made with Whole Grain Quaker Oats
-Individually packaged
-Provides a good source of fiber
-Contains 6 grams of total fat per serving

You can find these at most major retailers (walmart, Meijer, Smith's, Kroger, Albertson's, etc.!) And they are around 2.69 for a box of 6 cookies!